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In this lesson it is explained how to use the Windows computer in the dome to connect to the telescope and the camera.
The computer in the dome is almost always switched on. It is only ever rebooted in the event of an update (which can only be instigated at the request of an operator) or periodically to maintain stability in the system.
The observer should login in as 'armadmin' with the password given to him. The observer should allow a short time for the desktop to be ready before attempting to open any programs. While the startup processes are completing the observer can switch on the equipment as is detailed in the [[Lesson 1 | previous lesson]].
When the computer is ready the observer may begin connecting the equipment to the computer.
To gain control of the mount an observer must use '!TheSkySix'. An icon for this software is found on the desktop of the computer. When the program has opened up the observer must connect the software to the mount. To do this click the ''establish link'' button on the toolbar at the top of the screen. It is a little picture of a green telescope with two greyed out telescopes like it to its right. Alternatively, the observer can click the ''Telescope'' button at the top of the screen, then ''link'', then ''establish''.
A dialog box will appear and prompt the observer that the mount has not been homed yet. '''Before an observer proceeds he must check that there is nothing in the dome that could interfere with the movement of the telescope!''' The mount has powerful driver motors that could potentially crush and destroy objects such as the step ladder in the dome. Allowing the mount to move freely will prevent it from being damaged. When the observer is satisfied that the mount and telescope are both free from obstruction he be then hit ''O.K.'' The mount will now move to its 'home' position. This is an absolute position which cannot be altered. It allows the mount to have precise pointing from night to night and the homing process must be completed at the beginning of each observing session.
Once the mount has been homed it should produce two pairs of beeps in different tones. These mean that both the axes of the mount were homed successfully. The mount can now be controlled by using '!TheSky' or its joystick.
To gain control of the camera, auto guider and filter wheel, the observer must use 'Maxim Dl 5'. It has an shortcut placed on the desktop. Allow control of the equipment by clicking the ''Toggle Camera Control'' button on the toolbar at the top of the window. Alternatively, click the ''View'' button and then the ''Camera Control Window'' button. A small window should appear displaying information about the cameras. Since they are not yet connected there should be 'no information' for either camera. To connect Maxim to the equipment click ''Connect''. The information readouts should change to 'Camera 1 Idle' (the main imager) and 'Camera 2 Idle' (the auto-guider).
A possible error when connecting to the cameras is that the filter wheel does not connect. To resolve this unplug the USB cable into the filter wheel and plug it in again. The filter wheel should make a buzzing sound as it performs two full rotations to calibrate itself and then it will stop. Try connecting to the cameras after this has completed.
The computer is now connected to the mount, cameras and filter wheel. It is likely that this level of connection will be sufficient for an observing session carried out in the dome. For further information, an explanation of connecting the focusing assembly of the telescope to the computer is included below.
The focusing is currently controlled by the '!PwiFocus' program found on the desktop. When it is opened simply click the ''Connect'' button. The position of the focusing assembly can be controlled using the buttons in the window.
The equipment should be properly disconnected at the end of each observing session. To disconnect the camera, etc. the ''disconnect'' button must be clicked on the ''Camera Control Window''. After this, !MaxIm Dl can be closed.
To disconnect the mount it must be returned to its park position. This position has the mount point at a point high in the north, near Polaris. It has been set so that the telescope is approximately balanced so that as little stress as possible is applied to the worm gears in the mount. To park the telescope using 'TheSky' click ''Telescope'', ''Options'' and then ''Park''. The telescope will slew to its park position and then the communications with the computer will cease. 'TheSky' may now be closed. If prompted, 'Do you want to save changes to' select ''No''.
To disconnect from the focuser simply click ''Disconnect'' in its control window and close the program.
All the equipment should no longer be communicating with the computer. It is now safe to switch the equipment off.
There is no need to shutdown the computer in any way after an observing session has ended. Simply turning off the computer screen before leaving will suffice.
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