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Recognising that the equivalent of 120 clear nights per year could be available to an autonomous robotic telescope situated at the Armagh Observatory, it was decided to construct a modern telescope and dome with the goal of making research quality observations of variable stars and other transient phenomena from the Observatory site in Armagh. Procurement commenced in 2009 January. The initial system comprised:

  1. Dome: Sirius Observatories 3.5m
  2. Mount: Paramount ME German Equatorial
  3. Main Telescope: PlaneWave Instruments 43 cm f/6.8 corrected Dall-Kirkham Reflector with Carbon-Fibre Truss
  4. Auxiliary Telescope: Takahashi FSQ 10.6 cm f/5.0 apochromatic refractor
  5. Guide Telescope: Equinox 120ED guidescope
  6. Autoguider: Starlight-Xpress 'Lodestar'
  7. Camera: Starlight Xpress XSVR-H36 CCD
  8. Filter Wheel: Starlight Xpress + Astronomik LRGB 50mm

The dome is sited about 10 m south of the existing Robinson dome. Construction of the dome base commenced in March 2010. The following represents an incomplete synopsis of items and systems installed and tested.

Base and Pier


Dome services ==

Mount Installation

Main Telescope



Finder Telescope


[ The 'Lodestar' autoguider]

Wide Field Apochromatic

Control Computer

Control Software

Climate Control: Internal

The purpose of these systems will be to control the environment within the dome in order to

Options to consider

Climate Control: External

The purpose of these systems will be to inform the control systems when

  1. it is safe to open the dome and commence observing and
  2. the dome must be closed