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Lesson 1. Explains how to enter the dome safely and prepare it for observing.
Lesson 2. Explains how use the windows computer in the dome to gain control of the telescope and cameras.
Lesson 3. Explains how to acquire targets with the telescope and centre them in the field.
Lesson 4. Explains how to take exposures of different sorts.
Lesson 5. Explains how to auto-guide the mount.
Lesson 6. Lists some routine tasks that can be performed with the ART and how to do them.
Lesson 7. Contains instructions on how to use ACP for partially automated observing.
Lesson 8. Explains the procedure for generating useful calibration frames, where to store them and how to use them.
Lesson 9. Explains how the ART 'first light' images were processed from their raw data. This process produces 'pretty pictures' so it may not be an ideal process for producing scientific images however some principles will remain the same.
Lesson 10. Things which have yet to be accomplished in the dome.
Operating Procedures. A less detailed, but full walkthrough to observations