Vienna Atomic Line Data-Base
Electronic Mail Service

written by N.E.Piskunov
Vienna, June 1994

VALDADM revision 1.2.1
Dec 30,1994


Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD) is a collection of atomic line parameters of astronomical interest and provides tools for selecting subsets of lines for typical astrophysical applications: line identification, chemical composition and radial velocity measurements, model atmosphere calculations etc.

VALD Electronic Mail Service (VALD-EMS) is the main interface for accessing VALD by external users. VALD-EMS is aimed to endorse the following main principles of VALD access:

Mail access lets VALD automatically process requests and queue them for execution on VALD computers at the most convenient time. It also allows us to have control over the size of the data traffic and to register VALD users.

  • How to become a VALD client?

  • VALD data sets

  • VALD-EMS request

  • Types of request

  • SHOW LINE request

  • EXTRACT ALL request



  • Errors in VALD

  • Using VALD data

    If the VALD data was used in your research work, we would appreciate the acknowledgment of VALD and of the VALD tools that you find most useful.

    We would also appreciate receiving a preprint or reprint of the relevant papers at the following address:

    VALD project
    Institut fuer Astronomie
    Tuerkenschanzstrasse 17,
    A-1180 Wien, Austria
    c/o W.W.Weiss