This request must have the following format:
begin request show line <approximate_wavelength>,<wavelength_window> <element>:<spectral_number> end requestwhere <approximate_wavelength> is the central wavelength of the line in Angstroms. <wavelength_window> determines the spectral range (it must not exceed 1 Angstrom) from <approximate_wavelength> - <wavelength_window> to <approximate_wavelength> + <wavelength_window>, where VALD will search for the line. <element> and <spectral_number> are defined in a conventional way: <spectral_number>=1 corresponds to neutral atoms, 2 to singly ionized, etc.
begin request # Start the request show line # Select request type 4491.405, 0.02 # Search line between 4491.385 # and 4491.425 Angstroms Fe 2 # The line is formed by singly ionized iron end request # The end of the requestThe resulting mail from VALD will contain the following table:
============= job.000139 ============= # begin request # Start the request # show line # Select request type # 4491.405, 0.02 # Search line between 4491.385 # # and 4491.425 Angstroms # Fe 2 # The line is formed by singly ionized iron # end request # The end of the request Wavelength window for scan: 0.020 Angstroem. Highest ion number allowed: 5 Maximum excitation potential for lower energy level: 50.000 eV Lines found: Wavelength in A Element/Ion log gf E(low) in eV E(high) in eV Lande: eff. low high gamma.Rad gamma.Stark gamma.VdW terms (low -> high) accuracy (multiplet or comments) database reference for all values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4491.400 ( 0) Fe 2 -2.700 ( 5) 2.855 ( 0) 1.5 5.615 ( 0) 1.5 99.00 ( 0) 99.00 99.00 0.000 ( 0) 0.000 ( 0) 0.000 ( 0) b 4F z 4F* C (37) NBS: Iron 4491.405 ( 2) Fe 2 -2.684 ( 2) 2.856 ( 2) 1.5 5.615 ( 2) 1.5 0.43 ( 2) 0.40 0.45 8.481 ( 2) -6.599 ( 2) -7.946 ( 2) (3F)4 4F (5D)4 4F GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 4000-5000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These data would be combined to the following lines: WL in A El/Ion log(gf) Ei[eV] Ji Ek[eV] Jk gl gam.r gam.s gam.w ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4491.405 Fe 2 -2.700 2.856 1.5 5.615 1.5 0.43 8.481 -6.599 -7.946 NBS: Iron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 in place of the damping parameter and 99 in place of Lande factor marks the absence of the corresponding data in VALD. The label given after the parameters for each line indicates the source of the data. For the section of SHOW LINE output following 'lines found' all quantities for one line originate from the same source. The last section of SHOW LINE output shows the combination of all sources, as it will appear for all the other types of VALD request. Here the label indicates the source of the gf-value.