This request must have the following format:
begin request extract element <wavelengthl>,<wavelength2> <element> [spectral_number] end requestwhere <wavelengthl>, <wavelength2> are the limits of the spectral interval in Angstrom. Only the lines formed by <element> in one or all ionization stages will be extracted. [spectral_number] defines the ionization stage: 1 stands for neutral atom, 2 - for singly ionized, etc. Currently VALD includes mostly lines up to the spectral number 5. If [spectral_number] is omitted, the extraction is done for lines up to the four times ionized atom.
begin request # Start of the request extract element # Request type 5700, 5730 # Wavelength range in Angstroms Fe 3 # Extract all lines of doubly ionized iron end request # End of the requestAs the result VALD will mail back to the client VALD-EMS request number, the copy of the request and a subset of spectral lines between 5700 and 5730 Angstroms that belong to doubly ionized iron as shown below:
============= job.000087 ============= # begin request # Start of the request # extract element # Request type # 5700, 5730 # Wavelength range in Angstroms # Fe 3 # Extract all lines of doubly ionized iron # end request # End of the request Damping parameters Lande Elm Ion WL(A) Excit(eV) log(gf) Rad. Stark Waals factor Reference 'FE 3', 5701.0710, 25.0490, 0.118, 9.296,-4.877,-7.712, 1.290,'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000' 'FE 3', 5705.1470, 25.0320, -0.167, 9.360,-4.633,-7.518, 1.390,'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000' 'FE 3', 5706.4560, 25.4410, -2.858, 8.873,-5.844,-7.715, 1.160,'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000' 'FE 3', 5711.4150, 25.4410, -1.870, 8.854,-5.976,-7.715, 1.390,'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000' 'FE 3', 5712.8900, 25.0640, -0.136, 9.299,-4.968,-7.763, 1.140,'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000' 'FE 3', 5712.9330, 22.5440, 0.078, 9.237,-5.959,-7.764, 0.510,'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000' 'FE 3', 5713.9810, 25.0350, -0.438, 9.358,-4.633,-7.518, 1.470,'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000' 'FE 3', 5719.7350, 23.5300, -1.819, 9.436,-4.911,-7.594, 1.340,'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000' ............................................................................
The output columns contain element and ionization stage, central wavelength in Angstrom, excitation in electron-Volts, log(gf), 3 damping constants in logarithm (radiative, quadratic Stark and van der Waals) per 4*pi*sec and per perturber at 10000 K (in the case of Stark and van der Waals constants), mean Lande factor and the reference label. Zero in place of the damping parameter and 99 in place of the Lande factor marks the absence of the corresponding data in VALD. The label at the end of each line shows the source of the oscillator strength value. The source of other parameters may be different. The SHOW LINE request may be used to find out all alternative values and their corresponding ranking, assigned by the VALD team.