This request must have the following format:

 begin request extract stellar <wavelengthl>,<wavelength2>
<detection-limit>,<microturbulence> <Teff>,<log_g>
[Chemical_composition] ...................... end request 
where <wavelengthl>, <wavelength2> are the limits of the spectral interval in Angstrom. Effective temperature <Teff> and gravity <log_g> are used to select a solar abundant model atmosphere for estimating the central depth of spectral lines. VALD has the latest models computed by R.Kurucz (Kurucz CDROM 13, June 23, 1993 edition) covering a temperature range from 3500 K to 50000 K and log g from 0. to 5. The chemical composition is set as a log10 of the ratio of atomic number density to the total number of atoms. The default values are solar. The abundance value must be separated from the element name with a column (for example, Fe:-4.7). Several values can be set on the same lines, separated with commas. The request mail can contain as many lines as needed to set the chemical composition.


 begin request # Start of the request extract stellar # Request type
5700.,5705. # Specify wavelength range in Angstroms, 0.05, 2. # Look for lines
reaching more than 0.05 # central depth and use microturbulence of # 2 km/s
8000, 4.5 # Teff and Log g Sr: -4.67, Cr: -3.37, # Setup specific chemical
composition Eu: -5.53 end request # End of the request 
The return mail will contain a table like this:
 ============= job.000088 ============= #
begin request # Start of the request # extract stellar # Request type #
5700.,5705. # Specify wavelength range in Angstroms, # 0.05, 2. # Look for
lines reaching more than 0.05 # # central depth and use microturbulence of # #
2 km/s # 8000, 4.5 # Teff and Log g # Sr: -4.67, Cr: -3.37, # Setup specific
chemical composition # Eu: -5.53 # end request # End of the request 5700.0000,
5705.0000, 10, 123, Wavelength region, lines selected, lines processed Damping
parameters Lande Central Elm Ion WL(A) Excit(eV) Vmct log(gf) Rad. Stark Waals
factor depth Reference 'CR 1', 5700.5180, 3.5510, 2.0, -1.440,
7.538,-5.991,-7.845, 1.330, 0.572, 'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000 ' 'CR 1',
5700.5500, 3.4490, 2.0, -2.574, 7.812,-6.185,-7.822, 1.120, 0.227, 'GFIRON
ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000 ' 'S 1', 5700.5800, 7.8680, 2.0, -1.040, 0.000, 0.000,
0.000, 0.000, 0.120, 'Bell light: Si to K ' 'SI 1', 5701.1040, 4.9300, 2.0,
-2.050, 8.310,-4.410, 0.000, 0.000, 0.110, 'NLTE lines: Si ' 'CR 2',
5701.4640, 3.8270, 2.0, -3.845, 8.677,-6.611,-7.929, 0.960, 0.649, 'GFIRON
ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000 ' 'FE 1', 5701.5450, 2.5590, 2.0, -2.216,
8.167,-6.052,-7.840, 1.120, 0.266, 'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000 ' 'CR 2',
5701.9090, 6.5780, 2.0, -4.251, 8.431,-6.647,-7.900, 1.200, 0.063, 'GFIRON
ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000 ' 'CR 1', 5702.3230, 3.4490, 2.0, -0.970,
7.797,-6.171,-7.822, 1.090, 0.638, 'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000 ' 'CR 1',
5702.7060, 4.6130, 2.0, -2.089, 8.114,-6.171,-7.840, 1.030, 0.135, 'GFIRON
ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000 ' 'CR 1', 5704.1480, 3.1040, 2.0, -3.378,
7.182,-6.205,-7.865, 1.320, 0.095, 'GFIRON ext. (Ca-Ni) 5000-6000 '
'/u2/vald/ems/MODELS/08000g45.krz', 'H : -0.04','HE:
-1.05','LI:-10.88','BE:-10.89','B : -9.44','C : -3.48', 'N : -3.99','O :
-3.11','F : -7.48','NE: -3.95','NA: -5.71','MG: -4.46', 'AL: -5.57','SI:
-4.49','P : -6.59','S : -4.83','CL: -6.54','AR: -5.48', 'K : -6.82','CA:
-5.68','SC: -8.94','TI: -7.05','V : -8.04','CR: -3.37', 'MN: -6.65','FE:
-4.37','CO: -7.12','NI: -5.79','CU: -7.83','ZN: -7.44', 'GA: -9.16','GE:
-8.63','AS: -9.67','SE: -8.69','BR: -9.41','KR: -8.81', 'RB: -9.44','SR:
-4.67','Y : -9.80','ZR: -9.54','NB:-10.62','MO:-10.12',
'IN:-10.58','SN:-10.04','SB:-11.04','TE: -9.80','I :-10.53','XE: -9.81',
'CS:-10.92','BA: -9.91','LA:-10.82','CE:-10.49','PR:-11.33','ND:-10.54',
'PM:-20.00','SM:-11.04','EU: -5.53','GD:-10.92','TB:-11.94','DY:-10.94',
'TA:-11.91','W :-10.93','RE:-11.77','OS:-10.59','IR:-10.69','PT:-10.24',
'PA:-20.00','U :-12.51','NP:-20.00','PU:-20.00','AM:-20.00','CM:-20.00',

Note that for this request type the output table includes the following parameters: element and ionization stage, central wavelength in Angstrom, excitation in electron-Volts, microturbulence (Vmct) in km/s, log(gf), 3 damping constants in logarithm (radiative, quadratic Stark and van der Waals) per 4*pi*sec and per perturber at 10000 K (in the case of Stark and van der Waals constants), mean Lande factor, the estimated central line depth relative to continuum, and the reference label. Zero in place of the damping parameter and 99 in place of the Lande factor marks the absence of the corresponding data in VALD. The label at the end of each line shows the source of the oscillator strength value. The source of other parameters may be different. The SHOW LINE request may be used to find out all alternative values and their corresponding ranking, assigned by the VALD team.

We also provide the name of model atmosphere file in the format <Teff><logg>.<source> and the abundances of the first 99 elements. The abundances of three elements have been substituted from the request data. However the model atmosphere used is NOT affected by the change in composition.

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