PRO analyse_bruce, label, colour, mode, xfiles, xruns ;; analyse_bruce ;; ;; Purpose: ;; ;; Analysis of simulated time-series spectroscopy of pulsating star ;; spectra. ;; ;; Use: ;; ;; analyse_bruce, 'star', 'mode', 1, nruns ;; analyse_bruce, 'star', 'mode', 0 ;; ;; Example: ;; ;; analyse_bruce, 'kpd2109', 'A', 1, [1500] ;; analyse_bruce, 'kpd2109', 'A', 0 ;; ;; COMMON fileblock, nfiles, folder, flabel, nruns, nbomit, nwomit COMMON fitsblock, time, wave, spec, nwave, nspec COMMON procblock, specf, specr, specm COMMON pspecblock, freq, twod_dft COMMON xcorblock, ccfx, ccfy, ccf2y, ccf2n, nccf, afits, template ;; read in a previous dataset IF xfiles EQ 0 THEN BEGIN restore, filename='idl_'+label+'.sav' ;; read in a new dataset ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;; define new dataset parameters nfiles = xfiles folder = strarr(nfiles) folder = ['./'+label] flabel = strarr(nfiles) flabel = [mode] nruns = intarr(nfiles) nruns = xruns nspec = total(nruns) nwave = 2751 nwomit = 0 ;; omit rubbish at start of spectrum nbomit = 0 ;; miss first nbomit files from each run.... ndft = 5545 ;; dimension of dft ;; setup dataset array dimensions time = fltarr(nspec) wave = fltarr(nwave) spec = fltarr(nwave,nspec) spec = spec + 1 ;; dummy values are continuum specm = fltarr(nwave) specf = fltarr(nwave,nspec) specr = fltarr(nwave,nspec) freq = dblarr(2*ndft) twod_dft = fltarr(nwave,ndft) ;; read in and clean the selected data brucedata IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN window,1 shade_surf,spec,wave,time ENDIF ;; compute and analyse the light variations lightcurve, wave, time, spec, lc, dm IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN window,0 plot,time,dm,xtitle='day',ytitle='dmag' ENDIF ;; normalise the data IF colour EQ 'blue' THEN BEGIN normalise, [3855, 3860, 3930, 3945, 4010, 4013, 4219, 4228, 4399, 4400, 4555, 4570, 4720, 4740, 4945, 4950] ; normalise, [3855, 3860, 3930, 3945, 4010, 4013, 4219, 4228, 4399, 4400, 4555, 4570, 4720, 4740, 4945, 4950] ENDIF IF colour EQ 'red' THEN BEGIN normalise, [6500, 6502, 6615, 6625, 6690, 6700] ; normalise, [6500, 6510, 6615, 6625, 6690, 6700] ENDIF IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN window,1 shade_surf,spec,wave,time ENDIF ;; clean the data cleandata IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN window,0 plot,wave,specm,xtitle='Angstrom',ytitle='F/Fc' window,1 shade_surf,specr,wave,time ENDIF ;; save the data for reanalysis save, filename='idl_'+label+'.sav', /all ENDELSE ;; compute the cross-correlations dm = alog10 ( lc ) afits = fltarr(6,nspec) xcorrelate,0,1, 'BRUCE '+'mode' IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN wfl=nccf/2-nccf/6 wfu=nccf/2+nccf/6 window,0 plot, ccfx, ccf2y(*,10), xr = [-1000,1000], yr = [0,3.0] FOR i=0,nspec-1 DO oplot, ccfx, ccf2y(*,i) window,1 shade_surf, ccf2y(wfl:wfu,*), ccfx(wfl:wfu), time ENDIF ;; measure radial velocities from the ccfs xcorr_fits,5,1,0,0 ;; analyse the velocity shifts xvclean,time,afits(1,*),1,0, tclean, rv dft_periods, time,rv, clf,cldft, 0 find_peaks, clf, cldft, 1, [2.0822], tp, pk ;; analyse the equivalent width variations ew_extract, wave, time, specr, ew dft_periods, time,ew, ewf, ewdft, 0 find_peaks, ewf, ewdft, 1, [2.0822], tp, pk ;; analyse the light curve variations dft_periods, time,dm, frq,dft, 0 find_peaks, frq, dft, 1, [2.0822], tp, pk set_viewport ;; plot all the periodograms together IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN window,0 !p.multi=[0,2,2,0,0] !x.range=[0,10.] nf = n_elements(cldft) plot,clf(1:nf),cldft,xtitle='mHz',ytitle='km/s' plot,frq(1:nf),dft,xtitle='mHz',ytitle='dmag' plot,ewf(1:nf),ewdft*1000,xtitle='mHz',ytitle='mA' !p.multi=0 !x.range=0 ENDIF ;; plot all the variables together IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN window,1 !p.multi=[0,2,2,0,0] nf = n_elements(cldft) plot,time,rv,xtitle='day',ytitle='km/s' plot,time,dm,xtitle='day',ytitle='dmag' plot,time,ew,xtitle='day',ytitle='mA' !p.multi=0 !x.range=0 ENDIF ;; save selected results ; ; out2dip,'BRUCE', wave, template, clf,cldft, time, afits(1,*), bg_t, bg_v ; END