PRO xcorrelate, star, temp_file, temp_v, temp_b, starname, wavwind ;; cross-correlates individual spectra with means ;; star ; select type of template (self, model, self-model) ;; temp_file ; file containing model spectrum ;; temp_v ; shift model by this velocity ;; temp_b ; broaden model by this width COMMON fitsblock COMMON procblock COMMON xcorblock, ccfx, ccfy, ccf2y, ccf2n, nccf, afits, template ;; Announce programme and options print, 'XCORRELATE, star, gplot' print print, 'Cross-correlate a series of spectra with a template' print IF (star eq 0) THEN $ print, 'star =', star, '; template = mean spectrum' IF (star eq 1) THEN $ print, 'star =', star, '; template = model' IF (star eq 2) THEN $ print, 'star =', star, '; template = model - mean' ;; Define holders for CCFs nccf = 4096 ; IF nwave < 1025 THEN nccf = 1024 ccf2n = fltarr(nccf, nspec) ccf2y = fltarr(nccf, nspec) ccfy = fltarr(nccf) afits = fltarr(6,nspec) ; x-axis for ccf ; mode; all; Hg; Hd; Fe; all ix1 = 0; 53; 800; 150; 330; 53 ix2 = nwave-1; 1003; 920; 320; 800; 1003 IF (n_elements(wavwind) EQ 2 ) THEN BEGIN ax1 = where(wave GE wavwind(0)) ax2 = where(wave LE wavwind(1)) ix1 = ax1(0) ix2 = ax2(n_elements(ax2)-1) ENDIF ; wavelength IF ( wave(0) gt 10. ) THEN BEGIN dw = (wave(ix2) - wave(ix1)) / (ix2-ix1-1) mw = wave(nwave/2) ccfx = (findgen(nccf) - nccf/2) * dw / mw * 2.99792458e5 ; log wavelength ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dw = (wave(ix2) - wave(ix1)) / (ix2-ix1-1) ccfx = (findgen(nccf) - nccf/2) * dw ccfx = (10.^(-ccfx) - 1.) * 2.99792458e5 ENDELSE ;; TEMPLATE definition ; Extract the template from the mean spectrum (specm) xcorr_template, specm, nccf, ix1, ix2, template, wave, starname colors = GetColor(/Load) IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN window,3,title="xcorrelate" !p.multi=[0,0,2,0,0] plot, wave,template; ,yrange=[-0.6,0.2] ENDIF ; do we want to redefine the template ? IF (star gt 0) THEN BEGIN ; read model as template bluestar = fltarr(nccf) alasrd,temp_file,tw,tf vcorr,tw,tf,temp_v/2.9979E5,1 dw = (wave(nwave-1)-wave(0))/(nwave-1) tf = qqsm ( tw,tf,temp_b/2.534 ) resample,tw,tf,wave(0),wave(nwave-1),dw bluestar(0:nwave-1) = tf - 1.0 ; define red star spectrum as difference redstar = template - bluestar ; redefine template IF (star eq 1) THEN template = bluestar IF (star eq 2) THEN template = redstar IF (star eq 3) THEN template = helium ENDIF IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN IF (star gt 0) THEN BEGIN oplot,wave,bluestar-0.1, oplot,wave,redstar+0.1, ENDIF oplot,wave,template, plot, wave,template; ,yrange=[-0.6,0.2] ENDIF ;; AAUTOCORRELATION FUNCTION ; Construct acf for subtracting from ccf fftemp = fft(template) ffxff = fftemp * conj(fftemp) * (nccf/8) acfy = float (fft ( ffxff, +1 )) ; Swap order around work = acfy (nccf/2:nccf-1) acfy(nccf/2:nccf-1) = acfy(0:nccf/2-1) acfy(0:nccf/2-1)=work testspec = fltarr(nccf) IF (ix1 gt 1) THEN testspec (0:ix1-1) = 0 IF (ix2 lt nccf-2) THEN testspec (ix2+1:nccf-1) = 0 ; Loop over spectra FOR it = 0,nspec-1 DO BEGIN ; construct test spectrum testspec(ix1:ix2) = specf(ix1:ix2, it) - 1.0 IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN plot, wave,testspec,yrange=[-0.6,0.2] ; check data is valid ccfy = 0 IF ( stddev(testspec(ix1:ix2)) gt 1.e-6 ) THEN BEGIN ; construct fast fourier transform fftest = fft(testspec) ; convolve transforms ; ffxff = fftemp * conj(fftest) * nccf/8 ffxff = fftest * conj(fftemp) * nccf/8 ; ccf is real part of inverse transform ccfy = float (fft ( ffxff, +1 )) ; swap order around work = ccfy (nccf/2:nccf-1) ccfy(nccf/2:nccf-1) = ccfy(0:nccf/2-1) ccfy(0:nccf/2-1)=work ; save residual ccf in 2d array ccf2n(*,it) = ccfy - acfy ENDIF ; save full ccf in 2d array ccf2y(*,it) = ccfy IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN plot,ccfy ENDFOR !p.multi=0 END