PRO xvclean , tvec, dvec, gplot, flat, tclean, dclean ;; Announce programme and options IF (gplot ne 2) THEN BEGIN print, 'XVCLEAN, tvec, dvec, gplot, flat, tclean, dclean' print print, 'clean variable star data by removing outliers and background trends' print, 'Input:' print, 'tvec, dvec : arrays of time and data values ' print, 'gplot = 0 (no graphics), 1 (X or PS), 2 (X window), >2 (more) ' print, 'flat = 0 (no background), 1 (sine wave), 2 (polynomial) ' print print, 'Output:' print, 'tclean, dclean : cleaned data ' print IF (gplot eq 0) THEN $ print, 'gplot =', gplot, '; no graphics' IF (gplot eq 1) THEN $ print, 'gplot =', gplot, '; graphics on / X or PS' IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN window,3 IF (gplot eq 2) THEN $ print, 'gplot =', gplot, '; graphics on / X window' IF (strupcase(! EQ 'X') THEN window,3 IF (gplot gt 2) THEN $ print, 'gplot =', gplot, '; diagnostic graphics' IF (flat eq 1) THEN $ print, 'flat =', flat, '; sine wave background' IF (flat eq 2) THEN $ print, 'flat =', flat, '; polynomial background' print ENDIF ;; clean the data ; Initialize tclean = tvec dclean = dvec ; Compute sigma, omitting far out data nspec = N_ELEMENTS(dvec) svec = STDDEV(dvec) mvec = TOTAL(dvec)/nspec FOR it=0,nspec-1 DO BEGIN IF (ABS(dvec(it)-mvec) gt 2*svec) THEN BEGIN dclean(it) = mvec ENDIF ENDFOR svec = stddev(dclean) ; Select data within +/- 3 sigma ic = 0 FOR it=0,nspec-1 DO BEGIN IF (abs(dvec(it)-mvec) lt 3*svec) THEN BEGIN tclean(ic) = tvec(it) dclean(ic) = dvec(it) ic = ic + 1 ENDIF ENDFOR IF (ic eq 0) THEN ic = nspec tclean = tclean(0:ic-1) dclean = dclean(0:ic-1) mclean = TOTAL(dclean)/ic dclean = dclean - mclean ; plot the raw data IF (gplot gt 2) THEN BEGIN print, mvec, mclean, svec plot,tvec,dvec, $ psym=1, $ /xstyle, xtitle='Time', $ ytitle='cleaned data', $ yrange=[mclean-2*svec,mclean+2*svec], $ title=ptitle, $ charsize=1.4 ENDIF ;; Subtract low-frequency background ; initialize background fit bg_fit = fltarr( ic ) bg_fit = 0. ; Polynomial background IF ( flat eq 2 ) THEN BEGIN bg_coeffs = poly_fit (tclean, dclean, 2, bg_fit) dclean = dclean - bg_fit print, "Background coefficients" print, "bg = a0 + a1 * x + a2 * x^2" print, bg_coeffs, format='(3f10.2)' ENDIF ; Sine wave background IF ( flat eq 1 ) THEN BEGIN bg_coeffs = [0.,5.,0.55,1.] wvec = fltarr( ic ) wvec = [replicate(1.0, ic)] bg_fit = curvefit (tclean, dclean, wvec, $ bg_coeffs, function_name='sinefit', $ bg_sigma, noderivative=1 ) dclean = dclean - bg_fit print, "Background coefficients" print, "bg = a0 + a1 * sin ( 2.pi.(x-a2) / P ) print, bg_coeffs print, "+/-", bg_sigma ENDIF ;; Plot the data and the background fit IF (gplot gt 0) THEN BEGIN plot,tclean,dclean+bg_fit, $ psym=+1, $ /xstyle, xtitle='Time', $ ytitle='Velocity (km/s)', $ $ ; yrange=[-50,+50], $ title=ptitle, $ charsize=1.4 IF (flat gt 0 ) THEN oplot,tclean,bg_fit,color=45 ENDIF END