idlines, specfile,
linelist, xlo, xhi, xr, atoms, [ thresh, [ rv, ]]
[/FIT,] [/EW|/NF,] [/ALL,] [/STIS,]
; IDL procedure to display
; a) a region of spectrum, together with a fit, if supplied,
; b) positions and relative strengths (gf or W_lambda) of lines in
; common atomic spectra may be marked in the lower panel.
; c) lines of sleceted atoms are identified in the top panel
; Command arguments:
; specfile - character string - name of file containing spectrum (and fit)
; assumed to be x,y file with 3-line header
; linelist - character string - name of file containing eq.widths
; assumed to be 'spectrum' output
; xlo - real variable - lower limit of plot
; xhi - real variable - upper limit of plot
; xr - real variable - range of indivusal plot
; atoms - integer vector - atomic numbers of spectra to be identified
; [ thresh - real variable - threshold eq width or line strength to identi
fy lines ]
; [ rv - real variable - radial velocity of spectrum ]
; Keywords:
; /FIT - overplot the fit
; /EW - read and select the lines using equivalent widths
; /NF - read and select the lines using n*gf (central opacities)
; /ALL - plot individual atomic spectra schematically
; /MULT - add multiplet labels to line ids
; /STIS - to allow for air/vacuum shift at 2000A
; /DUPLEX - plot 2 ranges of spectrum on one panel
; /XPAND - expand plot by factor 5
; /XTEND - extend line identification marks
; /PRINT - plot hardcopy as a postscript file
readspec, file, specnw, specwav, specflx
; read spectrum only (free format)
readspecfit, file, specnw, specwav, specflx, specfit
; read spectrum and fit (sfit_synth output)
readlines, file, listn, listwav, listlab, listion, listmlt, listgf, listep, listfr
; read lines from a linelist and returns them as an array of wavelengths,
; labels, and ion identifications
markspec, zel, xlo, xhi, listn, listwav, listion, listlab, listmlt, listgf, listfr
; Assesses lines in linelist by the strength values "listfr".
; Positions of all lines are plotted for each element, relative to the strongest line
; due to each element in each spectral region. Note that these strengths are independent
; of abundance. The scale is logarithmic, such that the a line with 1/1000 strength
; of the the strongest line will not appear, ie if full scale = 0, the axis is at -3.
; Elements for which there are no lines in the spectral range are omitted.
markion, zel, xlo, xhi, listn, listwav, listion, listlab, listmlt, listfr, thresh