Stellar Atmosphere Models
** News **
2020 September: A significant upgrade to Sterne occured during July 2020 when the possibility to specify the overall composition with more elements was included. At the same time, the code now conserves mass fraction of metals rather than number fractions for mixtures where the hydrogen:helium ratio is changed. To accommodate both changes, all the grids are being recomputedi, starting with models having microturbulent velocity = 0. Models having vturb=5 and 10 km s-1 and also carbon- and nitorgen-enriched mixtures will follow.
Grids are organized by composition - H-nn-He-mm--zzz-
-nn-: Hydrogen fraction (per cent)
-mm-: Helium fraction (per cent)
-zzz-: Metallicity labelEach tarball contains a grid organized by effective temperature and surface gravity
Model names are constructed as - t-ttt-g-ggg--zzz-???
-ttt-: Effective temperature in defgrees K / 100
-ggg-: Surface gravity in log ( g / cm s^-2 ) * 100
-zzz-: Metallicity label
-vv- : microturbulent velocity in km/For each model, there are several files
-model-.q: Model structure in dense 'QUB' format
-model-.s: Emergent flux at low resolution
-model-.MODEL: Model structure in extended format (under development)A
-model--wl-v-vv-.000: Emergent flux, continuum flux, etc at high resolution for given wavelength range
-model--wl-v-vv-.001: Normalized flux at high resolution for given wavelength rangeMore information is given in the LTECODES web pages
These are very large files: download only if necessarySterne4: 2020
vturb=0 km s-1
vturb=5 km s-1
c01 c01 c003 h--he--- m99 m20 m10 p00 sdb hiz p00 m05 m05 h100he00 h100he00_p00 h99he01 h99he01_p00 h90he10 h90he10_p00 h80he20 h70he30 h70he30_p00 h50he50 h50he50_p00 h30he70 h30he70_p00 h20he80 h10he90 h10he90_p00 h10he90_c01m05 h10he90_c003m05 h05he95 h05he95_p00 h05he95_c01m05 h05he95_c003m05 h01he99 h01he99_p00 h01he99_c01m05 h01he99_c003m05 h00he100 h00he100_p00 h00he100_c01m05 h00he100_c003m05 Sterne3: 2019
h--he--- m20 m10 p00 sdb hiz h100he00 h100he00_m20 h100he00_m10 h100he00_p00 h100he00_sdb h99he01 h99he01_p00 h99he01_sdb h90he10 h90he10_m20 h90he10_m10 h90he10_p00 h90he10_sdb h90he10_hiz h80he20 h80he20_p00 h80he20_sdb h80he20_hiz h70he30 h70he30_m20 h70he30_m10 h70he30_sdb h70he30_hiz h50he50 h50he50_m20 h50he50_m10 h50he50_sdb h50he50_hiz h30he70 h30he70_m20 h30he70_m10 h30he70_sdb h30he70_hiz h20he80 h20he80_m10 h10he90 h10he90_m20 h10he90_m10 h10he90_sdb h05he95 h05he95_m20 h05he95_m10 h05he95_sdb h01he99 h01he99_m20 h01he99_m10 h00he100 h00he100_m20 h00he100_m10