introduction oscillations evolution sdB stars ultracam light sounds data papers team

Asteroseismology : subluminous B stars and the stellar orchestra

The Stellar Orchestra

Astronomers are increasingly using a new tool to learn about the insides of stars. Of course, we can't see directly into the heart of a star, and stars don't make sounds that humans can hear, but "asteroseismology" is is very like looking inside a star by listening to the sounds it makes.

Natural vibrations

How does this work? Hit any object and it will vibrate. If it is small it will vibrate fast and make a high note. If big, it will vibrate slowly and make a low note. Some objects go on ringing for a long time, while others are quickly damped. Some ring out like a bell, some are muffled like a sponge. Listen to the sound an object makes, and you quickly learn something about it. Shake it and you may find out what's inside it.
Its just the same with stars. They all have natural frequencies at which they vibrate. Small dense stars (dwarfs) vibrate fast, while larger stars (giants) vibrate more slowly. Some vibrate with enormous amplitude, like a very loud sound, while others, as far as we can tell, do not naturally vibrate at all. In fact, most stars have many different natural frequencies. The sound that a cello makes is different from the sound of an oboe, even when they are playing the same note, because each instrument has very different properties and excites a different set of frequencies. In the same way, stars excite frequencies which are unique to each star.
Listening to these "sounds" -- which astronomers call "pulsations", we can learn a lot about the stars themselves, including their masses and their internal structure. Both of these are really important, because otherwise we cannot measure a star's mass unless we know its distance, and we certainly cannot see inside a star by any other method.
The frequency of a vibration is just the pitch of a note, a high frequency represents a high note and vice versa.
Sometimes we talk about the period of a vibration, which is just the inverse of the frequency. So a period of two days corresponds to a frequency of one half per day.
The amplitude of a vibration corresponds to its loudness.

Exciting vibrations

Just as a cellist must move the bow across the strings, or the oboist blows on a reed, there must be a mechanism that excites these frequencies in a star to make it ring.

Singing stars

Many kinds of stars have been found to sing, or vibrate, including the Sun, our nearest star. The best known are the bright yellow giants known as Cepheids, which expand and contract every few days. The much larger red giants known as Mira variables make take several hundred days to pulsate. At the other end of the scale, white dwarfs pulsate with periods of just tens of seconds while, in between, stars like the Sun have periods of a few minutes to a few hours. The huge variety of pulsating stars is described in detail elsewhere, some links are given below.
Astronomers like to describe stars by their brightness (or luminosity) and their surface temperature. In fact, these are directly related to their size (or radius). Plotting the position of stars on a graph of luminosity against surface temperature, we obtain a picture of the stellar orchestra, with the short-period high-frequency stars in one corner, the long-period low-frequency giants in the opposite corner, and a swathe of others in between.
The position of a star in this diagram tells us about how massive a star is and how much it has changed since it was formed. Stars begin their life on the main-sequence -- a diagonal strip across the middle of the diagram. As they use up hydrogen they expand to become giants. When all their fuel is gone, they either explode as supernovae, or else collapse to become white dwarfs. On the way, their internal structure is changing all the time. Theory tells us who the structure should change, but only by listening to the stars can we test whether the theory is correct.
The goal of the asteroseismologist is to work out what the inside of a star looks like.

Nonradial oscillations

Vibrations come in many shapes and forms. For a spherical star, the simplest form is a radial pulsation; the star expands and contracts but maintains its spherical shape. Other vibrations are non-radial -- shrink-stretch modes which change from sausage-like to bun-shape and back, or twisting modes, where a bulge rotates around the equator.

[ movies of l,m=0,0, 2,0 3,3 modes ]

Many stars vibrate in more than one mode at a time; each mode is associated with one frequency, but together, many different frequencies may be present.

Whatever the shape of the vibration, each one is linked to a variation in the position and temperature -- or colour -- of the star's surface. In asteroseismology, we observe various properties of a star as it varies, such as total light, colour and velocity -- which is just the rate of change of position.

[ Movie of vibrations in colour - showing star changing temperature ]

[ Simulation of line profile variation ]

The observational goals are to measure frequencies, which define the global and structural properties of the star, and to identify which modes each frequency corresponds to, in order to distinguish between models which may match the observed frequencies equally well. Therefore, asteroseismologists must to measure more than just light variations. Observationally, the next easiest quantity to measure is colour -- colour variations correspond primarily to changes in surface temperature.

A brief introduction to stellar evolution

Main-sequence stars

Hertzsprung-Russell diagram by Richard Powell. 22 000 stars are plotted from the Hipparcos catalog and 1000 from the Gliese catalog of nearby stars.

Subluminous B stars are a special type of star that are very different from the Sun and, in fact, from most other types of star. Most stars are like the Sun, they are in their youth. Such stars shine because nuclear reactions deep in their interior convert hydrogen into helium. Because a helium nucleus is slightly lighter than four hydrogen nuclei, the difference in mass is converted into energy

[image of p-p chain]

E = m c2

A star like the Sun converts XXX tonnes of matter into energy every second, with a nett power output of YYY watts. However, the Sun is so massive that it will continue to burn for about 10 billion years before the hydrogen in the core is exhausted. More massive stars have hotter cores, so they burn more quickly and shine more brightly. Because of this, their surfaces are hotter -- or bluer. Low mass stars are fainter and cooler than the Sun.

Stars which are burning hydrogen in their cores are known as main-sequence stars. This is because they comprise the most numerous stars in the sky and they form sequence in a diagram which compares stars' brightness with their colours. This diagram is known as an Hertzsprung-Russell diagram


Red giants

When core hydrogen is exhausted, a low-mass star will expand to become a red giant. These stars have very condensed cores made of helium. Hydrogen burns to helium in a shell around the core; the shell eats its way out towards the surface of the star, adding helium to the dead core.

[ cutaway of red giant ]

Clump stars and horizontal-branch stars

Eventually, when the core grows to have a mass of about one half of a solar mass (the mass of the Sun), a new set of nuclear reactions will begin. Three helium nuclei may fuse to form a carbon nucleus. These new reactions bring the core back to life very suddenly, in an event known as the helium core flash. The core expands, the hydrogen-burning shell may be wholly are partially quenched, and the star actually dims.

[ image of 3-alpha reaction ]

The onset of core helium-burning commences a new phase in the life of a star -- for low-mass stars this has several names, depending on the chemical composition of the star and the total mass. For relatively young stars with amounts of trace elements like carbon, oxygen, and iron similar to the Sun, the stars drop slightly in brightness, but remain red -- these are know as red-clump stars because they form a "clump" half-way up the red-giant branch.

Older stars with small amounts of trace elements, or with very thin hydrogen envelopes, are known as horizontal-branch stars. This is because their hydrogen-burning shells are less active, so the stars are physically smaller and hotter. In globular clusters, these stars form a horizontal sequence in the HR diagram.

[ image of a globular cluster and HR diagram showing HB ]

Asymptotic giant branch stars

Planetary nebulae and white dwarfs

Massive stars

See the article Stellar Maturity for more about ageing stars.

Subluminous B stars

Subluminous B stars are different from nearly all of the stars above -- but they are most closely related to the horizontal-branch stars. On an HR diagram, they would lie between the main-sequence and the white dwarf sequence -- on an extension of the horizontal-branch. Because of this, they are often known as extended or extreme horizontal-branch stars. It is pretty certain these are almost pure helium core-burning stars of about half a solar mass. They have a very thin skin of hydrogen, but they present a particular problem.

How do you make an sdB star?

In order to make an extreme horizontal-branch star, a red giant must lose nearly all of its outer layers. The trouble is this. A star evolving as a red giant will stop its evolution when the amount of hydrogen left on the surface drops below about ZZZ. If this happens before the core mass reaches 0.5 solar masses, the star may not ignite helium, and so cannot become a horizontal-branch star at all.. On the other hand, with too much hydrogen on the surface, it cannot become an extreme horizontal-branch star. So how did the sdB stars lose their outer hydrogen layer.

One solution might be related to the fact that some sdB stars are binaries. While this is attractive -- it actually turns out to be quite complicated because it seems that sdB stars come in four different flavours!

So, it seems that nature has found four different ways to make a subdwarf B star! Each of these involves an object that stars out as a double or binary star. As both stars in the binary system evolves, the more massive star evolves fastest, and becomes a red giant first. If the stars are close together material on the surface of the expanding giant will spill over onto the surface of its companion. This will change the masses of both stars, alter the orbital period and separation, and change the subsequent evolution of both stars. The result depends critically on the starting masses and the separation of the two stars in the binary.

Case 1 MS+MS > MS+GB > MS+HB > MS+AGB > MS+WD > GB+WD > CE > sdB+WD

M1= MO M2= MO P= d

Case 2 MS+MS > HG+MS > RLOF > GB+MS > CE > sdB+MS

M1= MO M2= MO P= d

Case 3 MS+MS > GB+MS > RLOF > sdB+MS

M1= MO M2= MO P= d

Case 4 MS+MS > MS+GB > CE > MS+HeWD > GB+HeWD > CE > HeWD+HeWD > Merger > sdB

M1= MO M2= MO P= d


[ figure showing HR diagram with sdB stars ]

[ figure showing HR diagram of pulsating variable stars ]

Pulsating sdB stars

[ figure showing distribution of pulsating and non-pulsating sdB stars ]

sdB stars, giant elliptical galaxies and cosmology


Ultracam is an ultra-fast, triple-beam CCD camera which has been designed to study one of the few remaining unexplored regions of observational parameter space - high temporal resolution. The camera, which has been fully-funded by PPARC, saw first light during 2001 and has been used on 4-m and 8-m class telescopes in the Canary Islands and Chile to study astrophysics on the fastest timescales.

image of ultracam link to sheffield website

Light curves for pulsating sdB stars

KPD 2101+4401

pdf ps

HS 0039+4302

pdf ps

PG 0014+067

pdf ps

Sounds of ultracam

It really is possible to listen to the sounds of stars by speeding up their oscillations so that the frequencies are audible. In the attached sound files, we have computed the frequency amplitude spectrum of the data shown above, cleaned up the background noise, and generated sound waves at each of the remaining frequencies -- speeded up to be audible. Note: The "mp3" files are about 1/10 the size of the "wav" files. These sounds files were generated using "sounds of ultracam" -- a package written by Stuart Littlefair.

Reduced ultracam data

The reduced ultracam data for several pulsating sdB stars, as published in the papers cited below, is available for public use. Any authors using these data are requested to acknowledge the source and to cite the appropriate reference. Each file is a gzipped tarball containing either three or four files.

Generally, there is one file for each ultracam channel (u', g', r'). In addition, "white light" data is included in a few cases. White light data are constructed by adding the data from all three ultracam channels, weighted appropriately to the counts for each star in each channel.

Each file is a simple ASCII files containing two columns, time and differential magnitude. The zero-point in time is unspecified -- any one requiring this information must request it from a member of the Project Team. The differential magnitudes have been rectified.

Ultracam sdB papers

Ultracam papers

Synthetic photometry for non-radial pulsations in subdwarf B stars
Ramachandran, B., Jeffery, C. S., Townsend, R. H. D., 2004. A&A, 428, 209.
Multicolour high-speed photometry of pulsating subdwarf B stars with ULTRACAM
Jeffery, C. S., Dhillon, V. S., Marsh, T. R., Ramachandran, B., 2004. MNRAS, 352, 699.
Multicolour high-speed photometry of the pulsating subdwarf B star PG0014+067 with ULTRACAM
Jeffery, C. S., Aerts, C., Dhillon, V. S., Marsh, T. R., Gaensicke, B., 2005. MNRAS, 362, 66.
abstract | pdf | ps | ADS
High-speed colourimetry of the subdwarf B star SDSSJ171722.08+58055.8 with ULTRACAM
Aerts, C.; Jeffery, C. S.; Fontaine, G.; Dhillon, V. S.; Marsh, T. R.; Groot, P. 2006, MNRAS 367, 1317

Pulsation theory papers

Fe-bump instability: the excitation of pulsations in subdwarf B and other low-mass stars
C.S. Jeffery, H. Saio, 2006. MNRAS 371, 659
Gravity-mode pulsations in subdwarf B stars: a critical test of stellar opacity
C.S. Jeffery, H. Saio, 2006. MNRAS 372, L48-L52

Conference papers

Simulating colour variations in pulsating sdB stars
Ramachandran, B., Jeffery, C. S., 2004. Ap&SS, 291, 441R
abstract | pdf | ps | ADS | poster
Colour and radial velocity variations in pulsating subluminous B stars
Jeffery, C. S., 2004. Ap&SS, 291, 403J
abstract | pdf | ps | ADS
Mode identification in pulsating sdB stars from ULTRACAM observations
Jeffery, C. S., Dhillon, V. S., Marsh, T. R., Ramachandran, B., 2005, in 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, ASPC 334, 536.
abstract | pdf | ps | ADS
Ultracam photometry of pulsating subdwarf B stars
Jeffery, C.S., Aerts, C., Dhillon, V.S., Marsh, T.R., 2006, Balt. Ast., 15, 259
abstract | pdf | ps | ADS
High-speed ultracam colorimetry of the subdwarf B star SDSS J171722.08+58055.8
Aerts, C., Jeffery, C.S., Dhillon, V. M., Marsh, T. R., Groot, P., 2006, Balt. Ast., 15, 275
abstract | pdf | ps | ADS
Stellar Pulsation and High Time Resolution Astrophysics
C.S. Jeffery, 2006, Proc. of 2nd Conf. on HTRA, submitted

The team

Simon Jeffery (Armagh Observatory), Babulakshmanan Ramachandran (Armagh), Conny Aerts (Leuven), Vik Dhillon (Sheffield), Paul Groot (Nijmegen), Tom Marsh (Warwick),
This page is maintained by: Dr C Simon Jeffery
Last modified: Tue Dec 5 09:49:11 GMT 2006