Cool hydrogen deficient stars

Fundamental Data

Star alpha(2000)delta(2000) m_V Type Ref Comments
XX Cam 04 08 38.7 +53 21 40 7.3 RCrB 1 HdC?
HV 5637 05 11 31.0 -67 55 50 14.8 RCrB 2 LMC-V1394
W Men 05 26 24.6 -71 11 12 13.8 RCrB 3 LMC-V2643
HV 12842 05 45 02.5 -64 24 21 13.7 RCrB 3 LMC-V4263
SU Tau 05 49 03.7 +19 04 22 9.7 RCrB 3
UX Ant 10 57 09.1 -37 23 56 12.0 RCrB 4,35
UW Cen 12 43 17.1 -54 31 41 9.1 RCrB 5
Y Mus 13 05 48.3 -65 30 47 10.3 RCrB 5
V854 Cen 14 34 49.3 -39 33 19 7.1 RCrB 6,7 NSV 6708
Z UMi 15 02 01.5 +83 03 50 11.0 RCrB 8
S Aps 15 09 24.7 -72 03 46 9.7 RCrB 9
HD 137613 15 27 48.2 -25 10 10 7.5 HdC 10 HM Lib
R CrB 15 48 34.3 +28 09 25 5.8 RCrB 11,12
RT Nor 16 24 18.7 -59 20 39 10.2 RCrB 5
RZ Nor 16 32 41.6 -53 15 34 11.0 RCrB 5,13
HD 148839 16 35 45.7 -67 07 36 8.3 HdC 10 LV TrA
V517 Oph 17 15 19.7 -29 05 39 12.0 RCrB 9,14
V1783 Sgr 18 04 49.7 -32 43 13 10.5 RCrB 15
WX CrA 18 08 50.4 -37 19 44 10.4 RCrB 16
V739 Sgr 18 13 10.5 -30 16 00 13.5p RCrB 15
V3795 Sgr 18 13 23.5 -25 46 41 11.0 RCrB 5
VZ Sgr 18 15 08.6 -29 42 29 10.2 RCrB 5
V4017 Sgr 18 18 02.2 -29 29 33 12.0p RCrB 17
RS Tel 18 18 51.1 -46 32 54 9.9 RCrB 5
GU Sgr 18 24 15.5 -24 15 26 10.1 RCrB 5
FH Sct 18 45 14.9 -09 25 36 12.2 RCrB 5,36
HD 173409 18 46 26.5 -31 20 33 9.5 HdC 10
V CrA 18 47 32.2 -38 09 33 10.0 RCrB 5
HD 175893 18 58 47.2 -29 30 17 9.3 HdC 10 V4152 Sgr
SV Sge 19 08 11.7 +17 37 41 10.4 RCrB 16
V1157 Sgr 19 10 12.1 -20 29 39 12.5p RCrB 15
RY Sgr 19 16 32.7 -33 31 19 6.4 RCrB 5
HD 182040 19 23 10.0 -10 42 11 7.0 HdC 10
V482 Cyg 19 59 42.6 +33 59 28 10.9 RCrB 5,37
U Aqr 22 03 19.7 -16 37 35 11.2 RCrB 18
UV Cas 23 02 14.7 +59 36 37 10.6 RCrB 5
* At or near maximum light.
p photographic.
Possible R CrB stars: the following have been proposed as R CrB stars, but not verified.
GM Ser, V1773 Oph, V589 Sgr (19), DY Per (20), FG Sge (21)
Misclassified R CrB stars: the following have at one time or another been classified as R CrB stars. Subsequent observations have shown that these classifications were incorrect.
DZ And (22), V605 Aql (Table 4), V425 Cas (23), V433 Cas (24), rho Cas (25), V504 Cen (26), V803 Cen (Table 8), LO Cep (27), Z Cir (28), AE Cir (29), V1405 Cyg (27), V638 Her (27), SY Hyi (30), V973 Oph (31), MT Pup (32), CL Sge (27), V618 Sgr (32), V1860 Sgr (31), LR Sco (33), V731 Sco (31), HV 12671 (34)


1. Cottrell P.L., Lambert D.L., 1982, ApJ 261, 595.
2. Feast M.W., 1972, MNRAS 158, 11P.
3. Pollard K.R., Cottrell P.L., Lawson W.A., 1994, MNRAS 268, 544.
4. Kilkenny D., Westerhuys J.E., 1990, The Observatory 110, 90.
5. Lambert D.L., Rao N.K., 1994, J. Astrophys. Astr. 15, 47.
6. Kilkenny D., Marang F., 1989, MNRAS 238, 1P.
7. Lawson W.A., Cottrell P.L., 1989, MNRAS 240, 689.
8. Benson P.J., Clayton G.C., Garnavich P., Szkody P., 1994, A.J. 108, 247.
9. Kilkenny D., Lloyd Evans T., Bateson F.M., Jones A.F., Lawson W.A., 1992, The Observatory 112, 158.
10. Warner B., 1967, MNRAS 137, 119.
11. Ludendorff F.W.H., 1906, Astron. Nach. 173. 1.
12. Berman L., 1935, ApJ 81, 369.
13. Milone L., 1990, IBVS 3505. (identification)
14. Terzan A., Ounnas Ch., 1988, \aaps\ 76, 205. (position)
15. Lloyd Evans T., Kilkenny D., 1992, The Observatory 111, 244.
16. Bidelman W.P., 1956, Vistas in Astronomy 2, 1428.
17. Herbig G.H., 1990, personal communication.
18. Bond H.E., Luck R.E., Newman M.J., 1979, ApJ 233, 205.
19. Kholopov P.N., 1985, General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4th edition.
20. Alksnis A., 1994, Baltic Astronomy 3, 410.
21. Kipper T., Kipper M., Klochkova V.G., 1995, A&A 297, L33.
22. Orlov M.Ya., Rodriguez M.H., 1975, Variable Stars and Stellar Evolution ,
eds. V.Sherwood, L.Plaut, IAU Symp. 67, 129.
23. Bond H.E., Chanmugan G., 1982, Advances in Ultraviolet Astronomy,
eds. Y.Kondo, J.M.Mead, R.D.Chapman, NASA CP-2238, p530.
24. Rosino L., Biannchini A., DiMartino D., 1976, A&A Supp. 24, 1.
25. Payne-Gaposchkin C., 1963, ApJ 138, 320.
26. Kilkenny D., Lloyd Evans T., 1989, The Observatory 109, 85.
27. Jones K.N., 1991, PhD Thesis, St Andrews University.
28. Feast M.W., 1965, IBVS 87.
29. Kilkenny D., 1989, The Observatory 109, 88.
30. Feast M.W., 1979, Changing Trends in Variable Star Research,
eds. F.M.Bateson, J.Smak, I.H.Urch, IAU Coll. 46, 246.
31. Feast M.W., 1975, Variable Stars and Stellar Evolution,
eds. V.Sherwood, L.Plaut, IAU Symp. 67, 129.
32. Kilkenny D., 1989, The Observatory 109, 229.
33. Giridhar S., Rao N.K., Lambert D.L., 1990, The Observatory 110,120.
34. Feast M.W., Webster B.L., 1974, MNRAS 168, 31P.
35. Lawson W.A., Cottrell P.L., Kilkenny D., Gilmore A.C., Kilmartin P.M.,
Marang F., Roberts G., van Wyk F., 1994, MNRAS 271, 919. (photometry)
36. Hoag A.A., Johnson H.L., Iriarte B., Mitchell R.I., Hallam K.L., Sharpless S., 1961,
Publ. US Naval Obs. 17, 349. (photometry: NGC 6694, star at X=-2.97, Y=-3.85)
37. Rao N.K., Lambert D.L., 1993, PASP 105, 574. (magnitude)