lte-codes sterne spectrum ffit sfit grids idlines
commands sterne>
classified gen mod run atom abs

STERNE - command summary

General Commands

help see brief summary of commands (future: open this help page in browser)
echo [ off | 0 | 1 | 2 | on ] : adjust i/o level
stop, exit, q : halt execution

Model Atmosphere Parameters

label <free text> label by which to identify model
temperature, teff <Teff> : effective temperature (K))
gravity, logg <log g> log10 of surface gravity (cm s-2)
vmicro <vmicro> : microturbulent velocity (km/s)
lambda_ref <wlref > : reference wavelength for optical depth scale (default 4000 A)
ndepth <ntau> : number of depth points for model (def = 50)

Runtime Control

grey start from grey approximation
non-grey start from approximate model (partially or previsoulsy converged)
iter : <it> set iteration counter for start of calculation
maxit : < max_it > maximum number of iterations

Atomic Data

opacity < [ op | ki ] > : choice of continuous opacity (def: op)
lines < [ sam | odf | con ] > : line opacity choices (def: sam)


Default for all elements -- solar abundance. All elements scaled to iron unless specified explicitly.
ab_metal <p> : scale all metals to solar by 10p
ab_scale <z> <x> : multiply abundance of species z by x
ab_elem <z> <alpha> : set number fraction (by number) of species z to alpha
ab_norm : command to ensure all abundances are correctly normalized
ab_strat : <z> <j1> <j2> <alpha> : set number fraction of species z to alpha from depth points j1 to j2

Examples: to be provided
This page is maintained by:
Simon Jeffery (
Last modified: Oct 22, 2020