lte-codes sterne spectrum ffit sfit grids
commands sterne> spectrum ffit scl

Latest News

2021 JULY: lte-codes-3.4.6 An interim upgrade fixing significant bugs in 3.4.5.

2020 JULY: lte-codes-3.4.5 An interim upgrade fixing some of the bugs in 3.4.0 and a significant upgrade to SterneOS -- version 4. This includes a new input interface, full implementation of an upgrade to the output model, including metadata, and better internal treatment of the chemical composition. I have not had time to implement the diffusion part of the code.

2019 NOVEMBER: lte-codes-3.4.2 A major upgrade is in preparation. This will have better provision for chemically stratified atmospheres including chemical diffusion by gravitational settling and radiative levitation.

2019 OCTOBER: lte-codes-3.4.0 A series of lectures on Stellar Atmospheres: the Analysis of Stellar Spectra was given in Kunming and Beijing 2019. Copies of the slides and some of the materials demonstrated in the lectures are placed online at the above link.

Issues Pending

Downloads Create specific page with download and install instructions (but see : github)
User Guide requires reference completion and then review
autodoc not currently implemented
isfit not currently implemented
github migration proposed ... no time soon

3.4.2: 2019 November
SterneOS main program fails -- being upgraded to include diffusion code
3.4.0: 2019 January
rtf_feautrier Uses 'arrays temporary': deprecated
Spectrum does not treat dissolution of continuum or H and He series limits
Spectrum In single-line mode, He lines do not show correct ion
Spectrum Problem in lhei + he1_lines.d ... the 1s2p3P -> 8s3S - 10s3S lines are not being picked up.

This page is maintained by:
Simon Jeffery (
Last modified: 23-Oct-2020