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TAP: cosmic abundances.
Quick Reference
SUBROUTINE TAP_ABINI ( TAP_ABUND, STATUS ) Initialise the elemental abundances. FUNCTION TAP_ABMET ( ZELEM ) Return the relative meteoritic abundance for a given element. FUNCTION TAP_ABSOL ( ZELEM ) Return the relative solar photospheric abundance for a given element. FUNCTION TAP_ABCOS ( ZELEM ) Return the relative cosmic abundance for a given element. FUNCTION TAP_ABNUC ( ZELEM, AELEM ) Return the solar system abundance for a given nuclide.
Long Reference
Purpose: Initialise the elemental abundances. Invocation: CALL TAP_ABINI ( TAP_ABUND, STATUS ) Description: The elemental abundances used by the Theoretical Astrophysics library routines are initialised. This is done by providing a DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION TAP_ABUND as an argument, which is then used to initialise the internal array of abundances. This allows the user to use their own abundance data, if required. In order to use TAP_ABINI, the routine TAP_ABUND must be declared EXTERNAL in the calling routine. Arguments: TAP_ABUND = REAL (Given) The abundance initialisation function. The FUNCTION TAP_ABUND has one argument of type INTEGER which is the atomic number, Z, of a given element. The FUNCTION will then return a value for the logarithm abundance relative to hydrogen, where the logarithm hydrogen abundance is 12.00. Where no abundance data are available, or the atomic number is out of range, TAP_ABUND returns the value TAPC__DNULL. The FUNCTIONS TAP_ABMET and TAP_ABSOL may be used as templates for user code. STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned) The global status.DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION TAP_ABCOS ( ZELEM )
Purpose: Return the relative cosmic abundance for a given element. Invocation: RESULT = TAP_ABCOS( ZELEM ) Description: Given the atomic number of the element, the recommended value of the cosmic element abundance relative to hydrogen is returned. The abundances are based primarily on the compilation of solar and meteorite data by Anders & Grevesse (1989), supplemented in a few cases by more recent observations. In general, the solar and meteorite data are in good agreement. Some exceptions (e.g. Lithium) are obvious, whilst others (e.g. Indium and Tungsten) are less so. The solar data are returned where possible, meteoritic data are returned where there are no solar data. All solar and meteoritic abundances are given in logarithmic form relative to the solar hydrogen abundance, which is defined to be 12.00. Cases where no data are available for a given element from either source are indicated by a returned value of TAP__DNULL. Arguments: ZELEM = INTEGER (Given) The atomic number (Z) for which the abundance is required. Returned Value: TAP_ABSOL = DOUBLE PRECISION The cosmic abundance (logarithm with H = 12.00). Accuracy: See references for full details. Solar abundances: errors lie between +/- 0.03 and +/- 0.10 dex. Exceptions: F, Cl, K, Ge, Rb, Rh, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Ce, Tb, Dy, Ho, Tm, Yb, Lu, W, Pt, Au, Tl. Meteor abundances: errors lie between +/- 0.01 and +/- 0.05 dex. Exceptions: F, Cl, Br, Kr, Sb, I, Xe, Au. References: Anders E. & Grevesse N. 1989. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 197. Holden N.E., Martin R.L., & Barnes I.L. 1984. Pure Appl. Chem. 56, 675. Solar Fe: Holweger H., Heise C. & Kock M. 1990. Astron.Astrophys. 232, 510. Solar C: Stuerenberg S. & Holweger H. 1990. Astron.Astrophys. 237, 125.DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION TAP_ABSOL ( ZELEM )
Purpose: Return the relative solar photospheric abundance for a given element. Invocation: RESULT = TAP_ABSOL( ZELEM ) Description: Given the atomic number of the element, the recommended value of the solar photospheric element abundance relative to hydrogen is returned. The abundances are based primarily on the compilation of solar and meteorite data by Anders & Grevesse (1989), supplemented in a few cases by more recent observations. In general, the solar and meteorite data are in good agreement. Some exceptions (e.g. Lithium) are obvious, whilst others (e.g. Indium and Tungsten) are less so. The solar data will find applications in stellar theory, whilst it is expected that the meteorite data should be more useful for ISM studies. All solar and meteoritic abundances are given in logarithmic form relative to the solar hydrogen abundance, which is defined to be 12.00. Cases where no data are available for a given element are indicated by a returned value of TAP__DNULL. Arguments: ZELEM = INTEGER (Given) The atomic number (Z) for which the abundance is required. Returned Value: TAP_ABSOL = DOUBLE PRECISION The solar photospheric abundance (logarithm with H = 12.00). Accuracy: See references for full details. Solar abundances: errors lie between +/- 0.03 and +/- 0.10 dex. Exceptions: F, Cl, K, Ge, Rb, Rh, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Ce, Tb, Dy, Ho, Tm, Yb, Lu, W, Pt, Au, Tl. Meteor abundances: errors lie between +/- 0.01 and +/- 0.05 dex. Exceptions: F, Cl, Br, Kr, Sb, I, Xe, Au. References: Anders E. & Grevesse N. 1989. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 197. Holden N.E., Martin R.L., & Barnes I.L. 1984. Pure Appl. Chem. 56, 675. Solar Fe: Holweger H., Heise C. & Kock M. 1990. Astron.Astrophys. 232, 510. Solar C: Stuerenberg S. & Holweger H. 1990. Astron.Astrophys. 237, 125.DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION TAP_ABMET ( ZELEM )
Purpose: Return the relative meteoritic abundance for a given element. Invocation: RESULT = TAP_ABMET ( ZELEM ) Description: Given the atomic number of the element, the recommended value for the meteoritic element abundance relative to hydrogen is returned. The abundances are based primarily on the compilation of solar and meteorite data by Anders & Grevesse (1989), supplemented in a few cases by more recent observations. In general, the solar and meteorite data are in good agreement. Some exceptions (e.g. Lithium) are obvious, whilst others (e.g. Indium and Tungsten) are less so. The solar data will find applications in stellar theory, whilst it is expected that the meteorite data should be more useful for ISM studies. All solar and meteoritic abundances are given in logarithmic form relative to the solar hydrogen abundance, which is defined to be 12.00. Cases where no data are available for a given element are indicated by a returned value of TAP__DNULL. Arguments: ZELEM = INTEGER (Given) The atomic number (Z) for which the abundance is required Returned Value: TAP_ABMET = DOUBLE PRECISION The solar system meteorite abundance (logarithm with H = 12.00). Accuracy: See references for full details. Solar abundances: errors lie between +/- 0.03 and +/- 0.10 dex. Exceptions: F, Cl, K, Ge, Rb, Rh, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Ce, Tb, Dy, Ho, Tm, Yb, Lu, W, Pt, Au, Tl. Meteor abundances: errors lie between +/- 0.01 and +/- 0.05 dex. Exceptions: F, Cl, Br, Kr, Sb, I, Xe, Au. References: Anders E. & Grevesse N. 1989. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 197. Holden N.E., Martin R.L., & Barnes I.L. 1984. Pure Appl. Chem. 56, 675. Solar Fe: Holweger H., Heise C. & Kock M. 1990. Astron.Astrophys. 232, 510. Solar C: Stuerenberg S. & Holweger H. 1990. Astron.Astrophys. 237, 125.DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION TAP_ABNUC ( ZELEM, AELEM )
Purpose: Return the solar system abundance for a given nuclide. Invocation: RESULT = TAP_ABNUC ( ZELEM, AELEM ) Description: The recommended values for solar system nuclide abundance, relative to unit element abundance, are returned. In general, the terrestrial representative isotopic compositions recommended by IUPAC (Holden et al. 1984) are given, as cited by Anders and Grevesse (1989). The IUPAC compositions represent "the chemicals and/or materials most commonly encountered in the laboratory" and NOT NECESSARILY "the most abundant natural material". For light elements (Li, B, C, O) and elements with a small radiogenic component (Sr, Nd, Hf, Os) the differences are small, see Holden et al. (1984), and references cited therein, for details. For elements that are strongly depleted in the Earth (H, N, noble gases) or are largely radiogenic (Pb), solar system values have been used. Algorithm: The nuclide abundances are stored and returned as percentages for each element. The nuclide abundances are stored in a REAL array with an INTEGER pointer array indicating the end of the previous element's data. The data in this array are ordered sequentially by element and nuclide for each element. Arguments: ZELEM = INTEGER (Given) The atomic number (Z) for which the abundance is required. AELEM = INTEGER (Given) The atomic (or nuclide) mass number (A) for which the nuclide abundance is required. Returned Value: TAP_ABNUC = DOUBLE PRECISION The percentage relative nuclide abundance. References: Anders E. & Grevesse N. 1989. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 197. Holden N.E., Martin R.L., & Barnes I.L. 1984. Pure Appl. Chem. 56, 675