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TAP: elementary chemical functions.
Quick Reference
SUBROUTINE TAP_ESYMB ( IZ, SYMBOL, STATUS ) Return the element symbol. SUBROUTINE TAP_ENAME ( IZ, NAME, STATUS ) Return the element name. FUNCTION TAP_EMASS ( IZ ) Return the mean atomic weight of an element. FUNCTION TAP_ZELEM ( NAME ) Return the atomic number of an element. FUNCTION TAP_AELEM ( NAME ) Return the mean atomic weight of an element.
Long Reference
! Purpose: ! Return the mean atomic weight of an element. ! Invocation: ! RESULT = TAP_AELEM( NAME ) ! Description: ! The mean atomic weight of the element associated with the given name is ! returned. Either the element name or its symbol may be given via ! the NAME argument. If no element can be associated with the given ! name or symbol, a value TAP__INULL is returned. The atomic weight ! assumes solar system relative nuclide abundances. ! Arguments: ! NAME = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given) ! The name or symbol of the element for which A is required. ! Returned Value: ! TAP_AELEM = DOUBLE PRECISION ! The mean atomic weight, A, of the given element.SUBROUTINE TAP_ESYMB ( IZ, SYMBOL, STATUS )
! Purpose: ! Return the element symbol. ! Invocation: ! CALL TAP_ESYMB ( IZ, SYMBOL, STATUS ) ! Description: ! The element symbol associated with the given atomic number is ! returned. If the atomic number is not valid, i.e. out of range, ! the symbol string is returned empty and a status value of ! TAP__BADZ is returned. ! Arguments: ! IZ = INTEGER (Given) ! The atomic number. ! SYMBOL = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Returned) ! The associated element symbol. ! STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned) ! The global status.SUBROUTINE TAP_ENAME ( IZ, NAME, STATUS )
! Purpose: ! Return the element name. ! Invocation: ! CALL TAP_ENAME ( IZ, NAME, STATUS ) ! Description: ! The element name associated with the given atomic number is ! returned. If the atomic number is not valid, i.e. out of range, ! the name string is returned empty and a status value of ! TAP__BADZ is returned. ! Arguments: ! IZ = INTEGER (Given) ! The atomic number. ! NAME = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Returned) ! The associated element name. ! STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned) ! The global status.INTEGER FUNCTION TAP_ZELEM ( NAME )
! Purpose: ! Return the atomic number of an element. ! Invocation: ! RESULT = TAP_ZELEM( NAME ) ! Description: ! The atomic number ot element associated with the given name is ! returned. Either the element name or its symbol may be given via ! the NAME argument. If no element can be associated with the given ! name or symbol, a value TAP__INULL is returned. ! Arguments: ! NAME = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given) ! The name or symbol of the element fo rwhich Z is required. ! Returned Value: ! TAP_ZELEM = INTEGER ! The atomic number, Z, of the given element.DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION TAP_EMASS ( IZ )
! Purpose: ! Return the mean atomic weight of an element. ! Invocation: ! RESULT = TAP_EMASS( IZ ) ! Description: ! The mean atomic weight of the element associated with the given atomic ! number is returned. The atomic weight assumes solar system relative ! nuclide abundances. If the atomic number is not recognized, or if no ! stable nuclides exist for the element, a value of TAP__DNULL is returned. ! Arguments: ! IZ = INTEGER (Given) ! The atomic number of the element for which A is required. ! Returned Value: ! TAP_AELEM = DOUBLE PRECISION ! The mean atomic weight, A, of the given element.