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TAP: equation of state
Quick Reference
SUBROUTINE TAP_SAHA ( ZELEM, TEMP, NEL, ION_MIN, ION_MAX, U, CHI, IONFRN, STATUS ) Calculate relative abundances of ions of species K. FUNCTION TAP_PARFN ( ZELEM, ZION, TEMP, PEL ) Calculate the partition function for a given ion, at a given temperature and electron pressure. FUNCTION TAP_IONPT ( ZELEM, ZION ) Provides ionisation potential for a given ion.
Long Reference
Purpose: Provides ionisation potential for a given ion Invocation: RESULT = TAP_IONPT( atom_z, ion_z, status ) Description: This function provides ionisation potentials expressed in electron volts. Recommended values are derived from analyses of optical spectra. The following sources have been used, in descending priority 1: Moore 1970, table 1 2: Allen 1973, table 17 (electron affinities) 3. Allen 1973, table 16 The ionisation potentials given by Moore were derived by multiplying the observed series limits by 0.000123981, i.e., by using the conversion factor 1eV = 806573. m**(-1) The 1986 CODATA (Cohen & Taylor 1987) recommended value for this quantity is 1eV = 806544.10 m**(-1) +/- .24 In order to preserve the form of the data tabulated by Moore, and thus to to allow easy verification, but also to be achieve the highest possible standard of accuracy, this version applies the correction at execution time. With 1986 CODATA values, the difference amounts to about 36 parts per million, as anticipated by Moore. Arguments: ZELEM = INTEGER (Given) The atomic number of the ion ( eg C: = 6) ZION = INTEGER (Given) The atomic charge on the ion ( eg CI: = 0, OVI: = 5 ) Returned Value: TAP_IONPT = DOUBLE PRECISION Ionisation potential in electron volts (eV) References: - Moore C.E., 1970. NSRDS - NBS 34 "Ionisation Potentials and Ionization Limits Derived from the Analyses of Optical Spectra" - Cohen E.R. & Taylor B.N., 1987. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 92, 85. - Allen C.W.. 1973. Astrophysical Quantities, 3rd Edition atlas9 - Lester version of Kurucz code in CCP7 library Accuracy: The accuracy of the data stored reflects the number of significant figures given by the sources, such that the final significant figure is believed to be meaningful. Implementation Deficiencies: The uncertainty of 30 ppm in the conversion factor used by Moore has been eliminated by applying a correction factor. This process arbitrarily increases the number of "significant figures" in the returned value cf. the stored value, and has the effect of slightly increasing the execution time. These effects should be removed in a future version. In order to allow ionizations to be calculated for rare-earths, a third and sometimes even a second ionization potential has been adopted as in atlas9. Cases are marked - #1 - Pitfalls: If unusual results are obtained, check that the ion identifier has been entered correctly: i.e., 0 for neutrals, 1 for singly ionized, etc.. Do not use the frequently used "spectrum" identifier, i.e. I for neutrals, II for singly ionized, etc. Error conditions: The status flag will be set if any of the following conditions are encountered: an illegal value for the atomic number ( zelem ) an illegal value for the ion charge ( zion ) a datum is unavailable In all cases, the result of the function call will be 0 eV. Bugs: Data from Allen for higher ionization levels than given by Moore has not yet been entered.SUBROUTINE TAP_SAHA ( ZELEM, TEMP, NEL, ION_MIN, ION_MAX, U, CHI, IONFRN, STATUS )
Purpose: Calculate relative abundances of ions of species K. Language: Fortan 90 Invocation: CALL TAP_SAHA ( zelem, temp, nel, ion_min, ion_max, u, chi, : ion_frn, status ) Description: Calculate relative ionisation fractions of ions j = 1,.... for atomic species (Z), given temperature and electron density, using the Saha ionisation equation. By recursive application of the usual Saha equation relating relative abundances of successive ionisation stages (Njk/Nj+1k), a general equation giving the fraction Njk/Nk is obtained (Mihalas eqn. 5-17). This is evaluated using scaled logarithmic variables. The programmer must supply the atomic number of the species to be treated, the gas temperature (K) and electron density (m**-3). He is also required to provide the partition functions and ionisation potentials for each ionisation stage to be considered. These requirements allow for some flexibility in the way the subroutine may be used, and for the inclusion of additional phsyics (e.g. pressure ionisation, electron shielding, etc.) By specifying ION_MIN and ION_MAX, the programmer may treat only selected ionisation stages (saving unnecessary computations). By using an internal OFFSET, the locations 1,2,... in the partition function, ionisation potential and returned ionisation fraction arrays map onto the ionisation stages ION_MIN ... ION_MAX. Consider two examples: i) calculate ion fractions for neutrals through triply ionised ii) calculate ion fractions for -ve ions through doubly ionized Arrays U, CHI and ION should have data in the locations 1 onwards example (i) example (ii) U 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 CHI 0 1 2 -1 0 1 IONFRN 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 Arguments: ZELEM = INTEGER (Given) Atomic number (ie hydrogen = 1, helium = 2, etc) TEMP = DOUBLE PRECISION (Given) Temperature (degrees K) NEL = DOUBLE PRECISION (Given) Electron density (m**-3) ION_MIN = INTEGER (Given) Minimum ionic charge to be treated (ie negative = -1, ...) ION_MAX = INTEGER (Given) Maximum ionic charge to be treated (ie neutral = 0, ...) U = VARIABLE LENGTH DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY (Given) Partition function for each ionisation stage CHI = VARIABLE LENGTH DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY (Given) Ionisation potential for each ionisation stage IONFRN = VARIABLE LENGTH DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY (Returned) Array containing fraction in each ionisation stage STATUS = INTEGER (Returned) The global status. References: Mihalas D., 1978, Stellar Atmospheres (2nd ed.) Freeman Bugs: Does not treat negative ions. {note_any_bugs_here}DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION TAP_PARFN ( ZELEM, ZION, TEMP, PEL )
Purpose: Calculate the partition function for a given ion, at a given temperature and electron pressure Language: Fortran 90 Invocation: U = TAP_PARFN ( zelem, zion, temp, pel ) Description: Calculate partition functions using approximation formulae due to Traving et al. (1966a,b) and Unsoeld (1948). If these formulae have not been included (coded) then a ground-state partition function is returned. Arguments: ZELEM = INTEGER (Given) Atomic number (ie hydrogen = 1, helium = 2, etc ) ZION = INTEGER (Given) Atomic charge (ie neutral = 0, singly ionised = 1, etc ) TEMP = DOUBLE PRECISION (Given) Temperature (degrees K) PEL = DOUBLE PRECISION (Given) Electron pressure (N m**-2) Returned Value: TAP_PARFN = DOUBLE PRECISION Partition function U(T,Pe) Algorithm: U = g0 + Sum(i=1,ns)[U'(i)] U' = Sum(j=1,nk)[g(j).10^(-Chi(j).theta)] + 2.gpr.Qas(l,z).10^(-Chi(ion).theta) theta = 5040 / T Chebyshev approximation f(theta) = Sum(j=1,nk)[g(j).10^(-Chi(j).theta)] ~ psi(theta) = Sum(k=1,nm)[alpha(k).10^(-gamma(k).theta)] Accuracy: Chebyshev coefficients are valid for 0 <= Chi.theta <= 800 In most cases, the maximum error at max(theta) is limited to |f(theta) - psi(theta)| < 0.01 Limitations: If Chi.theta > 800, the ground state statistical weight is returned. Where Chebyshev polynomials are not yet entered, the ground state statistical weight is returned. If ground state statistical weights are unavailable a default value U = 1.0 is returned. Species currently included as a Chbyshev poynomial (indicated by ion identifier): ZELEM ZION + I 1 H I 2 He I II 3 Li 4 Be 5 B 6 C I II III IV V 7 N I II III IV V 8 O I II III IV 9 F 10 Ne I II III IV 11 Na 12 Mg I II III IV 13 Al I II III IV 14 Si I II III IV V 15 P I II III IV 16 S I II III IV 17 Cl 18 A I II III IV 19 K 20 Ca 21 Sc 22 Ti 23 V 24 Cr 25 Mn 26 Fe I II III IV 27 Co 28 Ni 29 Cu 30 Zn 31 Ga 32 Ge 33 As 34 Se 35 Br 36 Kr 37 Rb 38 Sr I II III IV 39 Y I II III IV 40 Zr I II III IV Note: An accurate expression for THETA is given by THETA = EV_K / TEMP but in this subroutine it is more appropriate to use the expression used by Traving et al. (1966a) THETA = 5040. / TEMP References: Traving et al. 1966a. Abh.der.Hamburg.Sternw. 8,3 Traving et al. 1966b. Abh.der.Hamburg.Sternw. 8,26 Unsold, 1948. Zeit.f.Astrophysik. 24,356. External Routines Used: TAP: TAP_PAR, [routine_used]... [optional_subroutine_items]... Authors: UH: U. Heber (Kiel) CSJ: C.S.Jeffery (St Andrews/CCP7) RED: R.E.Dudley (St Andrews) : Chebychev polynomial data RWJR: R.W.J.Rolleston (QUB) : Chebychev polynomial data CSJ: C.S.Jeffery (St Andrews/CCP7) : Version for TAP {enter_new_authors_here} History: 12-MAR-1992 (CSJ): TAP version. 29-FEB-1993 (CSJ): Sr, Y and Zr added 9-MAY-1994 (CSJ): Converted to double precision function for consistency with other TAP subprograms. 29-SEP-2000 (CSJ) gsw's added for Z > 40. {enter_changes_here} Bugs: Ground state statistical weights provided for first three ionisation states only, for Z >= Sc. No ground state statistical weights for As and Br, bad values returned. No ground state statistical weights for negative ions. For As, Br and Z>40, gsw's are taken from Kurucz code (PFSAHA). There are probably thousands of app. formulae for pf's in the literature, the OP are known to have done their own thing as well. This code really need cleaning up and making completely general - for given conditions. {note_any_bugs_here}