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TAP global constants
Quick Reference
MODULE TAP_PAR TAP public global constants. MODULE TAPM_PAR TAP public mathematical constants. MODULE TAPP_PAR TAP public physical constants. MODULE TAPA_PAR TAP public astronomical constants. MODULE TAPC_PAR TAP public chemical constants. MODULE MCH_PAR TAP public global constants.
Long Reference
Purpose: Theoretical Astrophysics Library public global constants. Invocation: USE TAP_PAR Description: This file defines all the TAP public global constants which refer to the way the package is accessed. It does not include physical values, these are contained in modules TAPA_PAR, TAPC_PAR, TAPM_PAR and TAPP_PAR for the astrophysical, chemical, mathematical and physical public global constants respectively.MODULE TAPM_PAR
Purpose: Theoretical Astrophysics Library public global mathematical constants. Invocation: USE TAPM_PAR [, ONLY .name. [ => .newname. ][, name2 ...] ] Examples: USE TAPM_PAR USE TAPM_PAR, ONLY TAPM__PIB2 USE TAPM_PAR, ONLY TAPM__PIB2 => pi_by_2, TAPM__E => e Description: This file defines the mathematical global constants used by the Theoretical Astrophysics Library. All values were generated using the MAPLE symbolic computation package (Char, B.W., Geddes, K.O., Gonnet, G.H., Monagan, M.B., and Watt, S.M., 1988, Watcom Publications, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). All values are accurate to 34 decimal digits and are declared as DOUBLE PRECISION constants. Constants by name: TAPM__PI :: PI TAPM__PIB2 :: PI / 2.0D+00 TAPM__2PI :: 2.0D+00 * PI TAPM__1B2PI :: 1.0D+00 / ( 2.0D+00 * PI ) TAPM__4PI :: 4.0D+00 * PI TAPM__1B4PI :: 1.0D+00 / ( 4.0D+00 * PI ) TAPM__PISQ :: PI**2 TAPM__SQTPI :: SQRT( PI ) TAPM__LGPI :: LOG10( PI ) TAPM__LNPI :: LOG( PI ) TAPM__DTOR :: PI / 180.0D+00 TAPM__RTOD :: 180.0D+00 / PI TAPM__ASTOR :: PI / ( 180.0D+00 * 3600.0D+00 ) TAPM__RTOAS :: ( 180.0D+00 * 3600.0D+00 ) / PI TAPM__HTOR :: PI / 12.0D+00 TAPM__RTOH :: 12.0D+00 / PI TAPM__STOR :: PI / ( 12.0D+00 * 3600.0D+00 ) TAPM__RTOS :: ( 12.0D+00 * 3600.0D+00 ) / PI TAPM__E :: E TAPM__LGE :: LOG10( E ) TAPM__EPI :: E**PI TAPM__GAMMA :: LIM (M -> INF.) [ 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... + 1/M - ln M ] TAPM__LNGAM :: LOG ( GAMMA ) TAPM__SQT2 :: SQRT( 2.0D+00 ) TAPM__LG2 :: LOG10( 2.0D+00 ) TAPM__LN2 :: LOG( 2.0D+00 ) TAPM__SQT3 :: SQRT( 3.0D+00 ) TAPM__LG3 :: LOG10( 3.0D+00 ) TAPM__LN3 :: LOG( 3.0D+00 ) TAPM__SQT10 :: SQRT( 10.0D+00 ) TAPM__LN10 :: LOG( 10.0D+00 )MODULE TAPP_PAR
Purpose: Theoretical Astrophysics Library public global physical constants. Invocation: USE TAPP_PAR [, ONLY .name. [ => .newname. ][, name2 ...] ] Examples: USE TAPP_PAR USE TAPP_PAR, ONLY: TAPP__C USE TAPP_PAR, ONLY: TAPP__G, TAPP__C => CLIGHT Description: This file defines the physical global constants used by the Theoretical Astrophysics Library. Most values were taken from the 1986 CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants (Cohen, E.R., and Taylor, B.N., 1987, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 92, 85). Other sources were used where necessary and given in the comments for the constants concerned. All values are declared as DOUBLE PRECISION constants. Experimentally determined values are are accurate to their specified standard deviations given in the comment script. Exact values are given to 34 decimal digits and were evaluated using the MAPLE symbolic computation package (Char, B.W., Geddes, K.O., Gonnet, G.H., Monagan, M.B., and Watt, S.M., 1988, Watcom Publications, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). Constants by name: TAPP__C :: Speed of light in a vacuum: c = 2.99792458E+08 m/s (exact). TAPP_M0 :: Permeability of a vacuum: mu(0) = 4.0E-07Pi N/A**2 (exact). TAPP__E0 :: Permittivity of a vacuum: epsilon(0) = 1/mu(0)c**2 F/m (exact). TAPP__G :: Newtonian constant of gravitation: G = 6.67259E-11 m**3/kg s**2, error = 0.00085E-11. TAPP__H :: Planck constant: h = 6.6260755E-34 J s, error = 0.0000040E-34. TAPP__HB2PI :: Planck constant: h(bar) = h/2Pi = 1.05457266E-34 J s, error = 0.00000063E-34. TAPP__E :: Elementary charge: e = 1.60217733E-19 C, error = 0.00000049E-19. TAPP__P0 :: Magnetic flux quantum: Phi(0) = h/2e = 2.06783461E-15 Wb, error = 0.00000061E-15. TAPP__ME :: Electron mass: m(e) = 9.1093897E-31 kg, error = 0.0000054E-31. TAPP__MP :: Proton mass: m(p) = 1.6726231E-27 kg, error = 0.0000010E-27. TAPP__MPBME :: Proton-electron mass ratio: m(p)/m(e) = 1.836152701E+03 error = 0.000000037E+03. TAPP__MN :: Neutron mass: m(n) = 1.6749286E-27 kg, error = 0.0000010E-27. TAPP__A :: Fine-structure constant: alpha = mu(0)ce**2/2h = 7.29735308E-03, error = 0.00000033E-03. TAPP__RYD :: Rydberg constant: R(infty) = m(e)c alpha**2/2h = 1.0973731534E+07 m**(-1), error = 0.0000000013E+07. TAPP__A0 :: Bohr radius: a(0) = alpha/((4pi R(infty)) = 0.529177249E-10 m error = 0.000000024E-10. TAPP__NA :: Avogadro constant: N(A) = L = 6.0221367E+23 mol**(-1), error = 0.0000036E+23. TAPP__F :: Faraday constant: F = N(A)e = 9.6485309E+04 C/mol, error = 0.0000029E+04. TAPP__R :: Molar gas constant: R = 8.314510 J/mol K, error = 0.000070. TAPP__K :: Boltzmann constant: k = R/N(A) = 1.380658E-23 J/K, error = 0.000012E-23. TAPP__S :: Stefan-Boltzmann constant: sigma = (Pi**2/60) k**4/h**3 c**2 = 5.67051E-08 W/m**2 K**4, error = 0.00019E-08. TAPP__EV :: Electron volt: eV = e/C = 1.60217733E-19 J, error = 0.00000049E-19. TAPP__U :: (Unified) atomic mass unit: u = m(u) = m(12C)/12 = 1.6605402E-27 kg, error = 0.0000010E-27.MODULE TAPA_PAR
Purpose: Theoretical Astrophysics Library public astronomical constants Invocation: USE TAPA_PAR [, ONLY .name. [ => .newname. ][, name2 ...] ] Examples: USE TAPA_PAR USE TAPA_PAR, ONLY: TAPA__MSOL USE TAPA_PAR, ONLY: TAPA__MSOL => Msun Description: This file contains the astronomical global constants used by the Theoretical Astrophysics Library. These come from a number of sources, including: a) IAU (1976) System of Astronomical Constants The IAU recognises a set of astronomical units of length, mass and time for use in connection with motions in the Solar System; they are related to each other through the adopted value of the constant of gravitation when expressed in these units. The unit of length is the au (A), the unit of time is 1 day (D) of 86 400 SI seconds (s), the unit of mass is equal to the mass of the Sun (S). For larger quantities, the IAU recommend that the parsec, defined in au, and the Julian year (365.25 d) should be used. The defining constants in this system are the Gaussian gravitational constant (k) and the speed of light (c). Primary constants are best values from observations and derived constants are calculated from defining and primary constants. The question of combining constants from two systems (CODATA and IAU) in the TAP library raises certain difficulties. For example, the recommended value for the gravitational constant is specified with greater precision in CODATA than in IAU (1976). The IAU recommendations are given without errors. To overcome possible conflicts, TAP adopts CODATA constants where available. Errors for IAU (1976) constants are estimated from the modifications required to prepare and fit ephemerides to observation (Astronomical Almanac 1992). Derived constants are calculated accordingly. b) Astrophysical Quantities (1973). Observed values for the solar radius and luminosity are mean values (1973). A variation in luminosity of 0.05 percent around the 22 year solar cycle has been measured. Larger amplitude variations over other timescales are indicated. Historical measurements of the solar radius indicate a reduction by 0.3 per cent since observations by Picard and others during the Maunder minimum (1640 - 1700). References: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. XVIB 1976. Proceedings of the Sixteenth General Assembly, Grenoble 1976, p.58. eds. E.A.Mueller & A.Jappel. Reidel, Dordrecht. Astronomical Almanac, 1992. p K6. US Government Printing Office, Washington, & HM Stationery Office, London Allen C.W., 1973. Astrophysical Quantities (3rd edn), p. 161. Constants by name: TAPA__PI :: PI (needed locally) TAPA__K :: Gaussian gravitational constant: k = 0.01720209895 (exact). TAPA__DAY :: Day: d = 8.64E+04 s (exact). TAPA__JYEAR :: Julian Year: Jyear = 365.25 d = 3.15576E+07 s (exact). TAPA__AU :: Astronomical Unit: AU = 1.49597870E+11 m error = 0.00000001E+11. TAPA__PC :: Parsec: pc = 360 * 60 * 60 / 2pi * A m (derived). TAPA__MSOL :: Solar Mass: M(sol) = 1.98892E+30 kg error = 0.00025E+30. TAPA__RSOL :: Solar radius: R(sol) = 6.9599E+08 m error = 0.0007E+08. TAPA__GSOL :: Solar surface gravity: g(sol) = G * M(sol) / R(sol)**2 = 2.7397E+02 m/s**2 error = 0.0005E+02. TAPA__LSOL :: Solar luminosity: L(sol) = 3.826E+26 J/s error = 0.008E+26. TAPA__TESOL :: Solar effective temperature: Teff(sol) = ( L / ( 4 * pi * sigma * R**2 ) ) ** (1/4) = 5.770E+03 K error = 0.006E+03.MODULE TAPC_PAR
Purpose: Theoretical Astrophysics Library chemical global constants. Invocation: USE TAPC_PAR [, ONLY .name. [ => .newname. ][, name2 ...] ] Description: This file is a holder to define chemical public global constants used by the Theoretical Astrophysics library. There are currently no constants provided by this module.MODULE MCH_PAR
Purpose: Machine-dependent constants. Invocation: USE MCH_PAR [, ONLY .name. [ => .newname. ][, name2 ...] ] Machine: Compaq Alpha Description: This file defines the machine dependent constants relevant for Fortran floating point arithmetic. In order to write certain numerical procedures, numbers such as the machine precision and the smallest and largest allowed positive numbers allowed need to be known. Such important properties of floating-point arithmetic may be characterised by a simplified _model_ containing a small number of (machine-dependent) parameters, which may be chosen to describe closely the behaviour of floating point arithmetic. The model adopted here is based on that developed by Brown (1981), and implemented in the NAG library (chapter X02). It is characterized five parameters, B, P, EMIN, EMAX and ROUNDS. The machine precision (EPS), smallest (SMALL) and largest (LARGE) positive model numbers, and the safe range (SAFE) parameter, can be characterized in terms of these quantities. Both the primitive parameters, and selected dependent quantities are given in this file, to avoid the need for additional computations. The file also contains parameters relating to other aspects of the computing environment. Reference: Brown W.S., 1981. ACM Trans. Math. Software 7, 445. NAG Fortran Library ... Constants by name: MCH__B :: Model parameter B. MCH__P :: Model parameter P. MCH__EMIN :: Model parameter EMIN. MCH__EMAX :: Model parameter EMAX. MCH__ROUND :: Model parameter ROUNDS. MCH__EPS :: Machine precision EPS. MCH__SMALL :: Smallest positive model number SMALL. MCH__LARGE :: Largest positive model number LARGE. MCH__SAFE :: Safe range parameter SAFE. MCH__ILARGE :: Largest positive integer ILARGE. MCH__DIGITS :: Precision in decimal digits DIGITS.