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TAP: Housekeeping subroutines.
Quick Reference
SUBROUTINE TAP_ERMES ( TEXT, TEXLEN, STATUS ) Return an error message associated with a TAP status value. SUBROUTINE TAP_ERROR ( TAP_ROUTN, NAME, TEXT, STATUS ) Report an error message. SUBROUTINE TAP_ERREP ( TAP_ROUTN, STATUS ) Report an error message associated with a TAP status value. SUBROUTINE TAP_REP ( NAME, TEXT, STATUS ) Report an error message from TAP.
Long Reference
Purpose: return an error message associated with a TAP status value. Description: The TAP error codes provided in TAP_ERR are searched for the given status value. If successful, the error message text is returned. If unsuccessful, the standard SAE values in SAE_PAR are searched. If successful, an appropriate error message is returned. If unsuccessful, an error message to this effect is constructed, including the given status value, and returned. Arguments: TEXT = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Returned) The returned error message text. TEXLEN = INTEGER (Returned) The length of the returned error message text. STATUS = INTEGER (Given) The global status.SUBROUTINE TAP_ERREP ( TAP_ROUTN, STATUS )
Purpose: Report an error message associated with a TAP status value. Description: The TAP error codes provided in TAP_ERR are searched for the given status value. If successful, the given routine TAP_ROUTN is used to deliver the associated error message text. If unsuccessful, the standard SAE values in SAE_PAR are searched, If successful, an appropriate error message is delivered via TAP_ROUTN. If unsuccessful, an error message to this effect is constructed, including the given status value, and delivered. Arguments: TAP_ROUTN = SUBROUTINE (Given) The name of a subroutine used to report the error message associated with the given status value. STATUS = INTEGER (Given) The global status.SUBROUTINE TAP_ERROR ( TAP_ROUTN, NAME, TEXT, STATUS )
Purpose: Report an error message. Description: Use the given subroutine to deliver an error message to the user. The error message has two parts: NAME and TEXT. NAME is recommended to be the name of the routine in which TAP_ERROR is called. TEXT is the error message text. The status value must not be set to SAI__OK, but to some error value. Arguments: TAP_ROUTN = SUBROUTINE (Given) The name of a subroutine used to report the error message associated with the given status value. NAME = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given) TAP error message name. TEXT = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given) TAP error message text. STATUS = INTEGER (Given) The global status.SUBROUTINE TAP_REP ( NAME, TEXT, STATUS )
Purpose: Report an error message from TAP. Invocation: CALL TAP_REP( NAME, TEXT, STATUS ) Description: An error message is built in the form: !! [NAME]: [TEXT] or !! [TEXT] if NAME is not defined. The resulting string is stripped of any non-printable characters and delivered to the user on the standard output logical unit. Arguments: NAME = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given) TAP error message name. TEXT = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given) TAP error message text. STATUS = INTEGER (Given) The global status.